The Operational Training is based on the concept of “openness, sharing, growth, and win-win”, closely following the industry trends and regularly conducting operational training. The course content is designed to solve practical difficulties encountered in offline VR rides operations, helping operators to start and run successful stores, and replicate successful experiences to achieve sustainable profits. On November 9th, …
9d VR machines Combine VR arcade games In Serbia Igraj.RS is the most modern entertainment ticket center in Belgrade. In their playroom, you will find in one place some of the latest arcade games and simulators, the most modern VR machines, darts, pinball, basketball, air hockey. We honor to be Kutlesic with business partner. For …
7D Cinema /VR arcade games Build In Michigan Fun ZoneZ is a dinosaur themed family fun entertainment center providing activities for all ages to enjoy while creating memories! You will have an unforgettable experience with interactive arcade games, laser tag, play structure and virtual reality attractions. We start cooperate with Fun ZoneZ at March, 2019 …